Nation of Origin: May exist anywhere. Strong presence in the Banshee Forest.
Physical Abilities: DNE
Magical Affinities: May pull a living being through the veil of life and death.
Weaknesses: Light.
Natural Predators: DNE
Life Cycle: Immortal
Banshees are opaque spirits that take on the grotesque form of their rotting corpses. Often you will see a Banshee with seemingly decaying flesh or even wounds which were the cause of their initial deaths.
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Spirits deciding to stay in this physical world or are forced to stay, become Banshees. Banshees appear in the night where they prowl for the living, thirsty to bring them through the veil of death. Most evident in sudden moaning and wailing in woodsy places. A traveler must be wary of any Banshees in the night and use any form of light to keep them at bay.