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The Ocean
Type: Creature
Description: The Ocean transcends being a mere body of water, it is an entity existing across both planes of Malphora, traversing the land every full moon.
Attack: 10/10
To avenge a hurt siren, the ocean will drown your most powerful card.
Health: 10/10
Cost: 10z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
The Siren
Type: Creature
Description: The siren is a malevolent spirit born of the ocean with its soul divided into two halves. One half resides within Ellionna's family line, while the other is concealed within a crystal box crafted by the last Dragon of Malphora. Reuniting both halves would be disasterous.
Attack: --
May be paired with Ellionna to destroy all male character cards in play.
Health: --
Cost: 9z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
Type: Harpy
Description: Hailing from the Gorges of Navmala, her home, Guenana pursues her studies in the Royal Academy of Bimmorus with Marcus and Evangeline.
Attack: 4
Health: 5
Cost: 7z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
Type: Creatures
Description: Nymphs are childlike, limber, and opaque spirits that inhabit fauna and trees with the power of invisibility as they prefer to keep hidden from all flesh creatures.
Attack: 3
Health: 10
Cost: 4z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
Type: Creatures
Description: These calculating creatures feast on mortally wounded beings. A single gaze into their hypnotic third eye forces their prey to relive the most painful moments of their lives.
Attack: 8
Health: 8
Cost: 5z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
Type: Creatures
Description: Socha was once a demon spirit of nightmares, though now it has grown to feast on self doubt and hatred.
Attack: 7
Health: 6
Cost: 6z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
Type: Creatures
Description: Banshees are spirits tethered to the land, embodying the form of their withered bodies. They emit mournful cries throughout the night, seeking to draw the living beyond their veil...
Attack: 7
You may transform a deceased character into a banshee with an attack of 7. Banshees may be instantly destroyed by an attack from a Griffin of Ardor as they fear light.
Health: --
Cost: 4z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
Palla's Spirits
Type: Creature
Description: Many of the departed of the Arketcha tribe choose to stay behind to assist Palla's eternal burden as the Spirit Guide.
Attack: --
Exclusive to Palla.
Health: --
Cost: 7z
Set: Extraordinary Volume 1
Illustrator: JK Noble
*May appear as individual common or Holographic cards.
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